Five Core Conversations for Couples

Clear and concise communication is vital when engaging with your partner in order to avoid misunderstandings that can potentially cause hurt, anger, confusion or resentment.

So what does clear and concise communication look like? Well it means selecting your words intentionally, creating your sentences carefully and using proper grammar.

It is important to remember that each person has different communication styles and much like love languages it is important to understand how your partner communicates.

So let’s dig deeper into relationship communication! When communicating with your partner certain conversations can be tough but communication is truly the key to any relationship.

There are certainly topics of discussion that bring an element of hesitation including effective communication, a long-term financial plan, cooperative parenting strategies, mutually satisfying sex and work-life balance. Although these topics can be tough at times, they are all key topics every relationship should be discussing.

So how do you have these conversations as a couple? Some important things to remember when having what can be difficult conversations as a couple are to listen without interrupting, express your feelings openly and honestly, keep an open mind, speak from your own experiences rather than generalizing, refrain from personal attacks and remember, it’s ok to have differences of opinions so focus on the topic and finding a healthy compromise.

Read more on the other side to understand how to navigate some of your relationship conversations and start to feel more connected!

Remember you can’t just feel a connection: you have to make a connection and strive to maintain it!

The Five Core Conversations for Couples

Married for 33 years, David, a top divorce lawyer and Julie, a Family Therapist show couples how to really talk about five core conversations for couples, for better or for worse in their book “The Five Core Conversations for Couples”. They share their insights into what it looks like to save a marriage or know when to call it quits, when to talk to a therapist or when to try some tough love. You could say their advice could fill a book, oh wait, it did!

Find out a little more about the couple and what they have to say about the five core conversations for couples here:

The Five Core Conversations for Couples

Effective Communication: Couples that are able to stay together, weather life’s storms and struggles together and have built a strong foundation. They understand where they are aligned, and work to improve the areas where they aren’t.

Long-Term Financial Planning: Stay out of the dark when it comes to your relationship finances. Talk to one another about how you have handled finances prior to the relationship and how you’d like to handle them as a team.

Cooperative Parenting Strategies: Parenting is a never-ending relationship between cause and effect. Remember parents have children and children can have issues, so work together to agree on the solution to helping your children.

Mutually Satisfying Sex: Couple’s needs and desires differ so there should be ways to adjust so that both individual’s feel comfortable and satisfied.

Work-Life Balance: It’s not unusual to feel as if your relationship is missing something or has too much of something else.

May the Force be with you,
Angelina Taylor, MSPsy, MAMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
907. 313.4433 Ext. 106



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