Spring Cleaning Your Relationship

Spring is all about new beginnings and during this season in relationships it is all about doing some intentional spring cleaning with your partner. During springtime there is a natural rise in serotonin, better know as the “happy hormone”. So scientifically speaking, spring is the season of love.

Spring cleaning is generally viewed as a fresh start. So in terms of your relationship it’s a good time to evaluate the relationship and do some spring cleaning to promote a healthier relationship.

It is important to spring clean your relationship to strengthen and rekindle the romance and connection.
When we think about spring cleaning we often think about cleaning our physical space. But cleaning our relationship and emotional baggage can be much more entailed. Typically when cleaning our physical space we make three primary piles; toss, store, or keep. These three primary pile can be applied! to spring cleaning our relationship as well.

Toss: Looking at your relationship ask yourself, “Is this relationship bringing positive value to my life?” If it is NOT then it’s time to do some tossing of negative habits and mindsets to get back on track!

Store: When we store something it is generally because we are not ready to part with it. In terms of your relationships, storing simply put means there’s a lot going on in your own life so you put some specific aspects of the relationship on the back burner while we regroup. This allows you to evaluate the relationship and make a plan to address the storage bin at a later time… Just remember to do so!

Keep: Deciding to keep the relationship, or what to keep in the relationship can sometimes be jeopardized by past relational trauma or insecurities. It is important not to allow the past or your insecurities cloud your judgment of your partner or the relationship.

A famous quote by Marcus Buckingham, an English author and motivational speaker states “We dream of having a clean house but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?” Angelina says, “Just like in relationships, “We dream of having a healthy relationship but who dreams of actually doing the work to promote a healthy relationship?”

Esther Perel—Strengthening and Rekindling Romance

Psychologist and bestselling author Esther Perel believes that giving focused attention, bringing novelty to the relationship and sharing experiences helps to strengthen connection and rekindle romance within a relationship.

Learn more about what Esther Perel believes is essential to rekindling a relationship here:

Ideas on how to Strengthen and Rekindle Relationship Romance

  1. Make the relationship a priority
  2. Focus on communication
  3. Revisit the relationship roots and rekindle the romance
  4. Focus on romantic gestures
  5. Be realistic with expectations

May the Force be with you,
Angelina Taylor, MSPsy, MAMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
http://www.akconfluence.com/ * 907.313.4433 ext. 106

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